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Denture & Dental Implant Prices:

The Ultimate Guide To Replacing A Full Row Of Missing Teeth [Without Breaking The Bank]

By Dr. Keenan Osman - Implant Specialist

Last updated August 7, 2023

There are many options when it comes to replacing a full row missing teeth, but how do you know which one is a right fit for you?

Maybe you’ve tried doing some research on your own, but with so much information online and dental offices trying to advertise their services, it can be difficult to find unbiased, high quality information to help you in your decision.

Look no further! In this article we’ll break down the most popular teeth replacement options on the market in Tampa, FL.

If you read this entire article, you will learn:

  • the average cost of each denture & dental implant treatment

  • how to save thousands of dollars on your treatment

  • how to spot deceptive advertising

  • the pros of each treatment type

  • the cons of each treatment type (arguably more important)

  • which treatment is the best fit for you based on what you value

... all without stepping foot in a dental practice, calling around for quotes, watching tons of Youtube videos, or doing a long virtual consultation with some random salesperson.

Who Are We & Why Can You Trust This Guide?

Hi, my name is Dr. Keenan Osman and I own a dental office called Tampa Dental Implants.

Over the last few years, I've done 3000+ dental implant surgeries and have even handled a few dozen re-do cases where patients came to us from other dental offices with implant issues. We have seen both the good and bad for pretty much every denture and dental implant treatment option out there.

My goal is to give you all the necessary information you need to make the most informed decision possible. All facts. No fluff.

Let’s dive into how we will judge dentures, snap-on dentures, & fixed full arch implants in a non-biased manner.

The Five Criteria For Judging Each Treatment Option

There are 5 main factors to take into consideration when choosing which treatment type to replace your missing teeth:

  1. Functionality

How well does the treatment option function? How easy is it to eat a salad or steak? Do the teeth stay in place or do they slip out while talking?

Do they feel comfortable or unnatural? Can you eat, speak, & smile confidently? Or do they make day to day tasks feel miserable? The functionality of your new teeth will heavily impact the quality of your life in the long run.

  1. Aesthetics

Do the prosthetic teeth look good? Make no mistake, this is important when it comes to replacing teeth. A lot of people have a misguided conception of not wanting to “stand out too much” or “look good” out of fear of being called egotistical.

On the contrary, it is perfectly normal and healthy for you to want to look good. Being proud of one’s appearance is important, because it will impact every social interaction you have.

The more confident you are with your appearance, the more opportunities will come your way. So, it’s important that your new teeth look natural and they are custom designed to how you want them to look.

  1. Longevity

How long do the prosthetic teeth last? Can the fake teeth break down over time, and if so, what does the ongoing maintenance look like? How does that particular type of treatment impact your long term health? Both your longevity and the longevity of the appliance should be considered.

  1. Price

Price should not be your single determining factor when choosing your teeth replacement option, however the reality is that the treatment option you choose needs to be able to fit within your budget. There are two sides to this coin.

a) Overly expensive offices - likely overpaying for “brand or a celebrity doc”

There are many oral surgery offices that will quote patients $70K or even $80K for double arch zirconia implants as if price weren’t even a consideration. We don’t understand what “la la land” those offices are pretending to be in.

We do encourage people to get multiple quotes from offices, perhaps get a feel for the office and staff, and then make a final decision on all the criteria we lay out here.

Is it worth it to pay a bit more than the national average for a higher quality product, better surgeon, better technology, etc? Yes, but within reason.

Big corporate implant centers with lots of locations, multiple specialty doctors, a ton of admin employees, and expensive TV ads all have a larger overhead. These additional costs get put on patients in order to produce a profit.

If you're going to a "celebrity doc" that is viral on social media, he or she will probably be more expensive as well. Surgeons who become famous have a ton of new patient opportunities coming their way and they need to filter out their lower quality traffic.

The more famous they get, the less time they have, the more they charge, and they push away patients who aren't willing to spend top dollar. Simple supply and demand. This isn't the case for everyone though.

If you're absolutely sold on going to a particular dental implant surgeon, just make sure to still get multiple quotes for the same or similar amount of work. You'll know whether or not you've been given a fair quote.

b) Super cheap offices - likely cutting corners

There are many offices that advertise super cheap dental prices while cutting corners on the quality of their materials, work, and surgical procedures. Super cheap prices get people very excited, but oftentimes leads to rash decisions. Do not settle for a lower quality tooth replacement option just because it’s cheap.

While there are smart business decisions a dental practice can make to lower the hard costs of various procedures, you should still be thorough and ask detailed questions to ensure the final product will hold up.

You want to land somewhere in the middle to lower end on the price range, so you know you’re getting a quality doctor, quality materials, and a great final product all without breaking the bank.

PRO TIP: Did you know your dentures or dental implant treatment are likely tax deductible? Most dental practices aren't even aware of this, let alone patients.

If you look up "Topic No. 502", you will find all of the information you need on the criteria for writing off your dental implant treatment. Anything above 7.5% of your Adjust Gross Income should be tax deductible. Speak with a tax professional on how to claim your deductions come filing season.

We've saved our patients thousands of dollars on their treatment by telling them this over the last few years. Every dollar saved helps. We even made a video below going over an example of how much someone could save.

  1. Location

How close is the office to your home? We recommend sticking with an office that is relatively close to where you live - honestly no more than a 1 to 2 hour drive.

Why is this important? Well, what if something goes wrong the day after surgery? What if a complication occurs a few weeks after the procedure?

Although 97% of dental implant cases are successful, post-op issues can and do occur.

You’ll want to be close to the dental office so you can drive in and get the issue fixed. Plus, your implants will likely need some level of minimal ongoing maintenance. If you choose a local office, they will have an established history with you and know the details of your procedure.

This is why we do not recommend dental tourism.

For every “success story” about a patient flying overseas to get their dental work done, there are tons of undocumented cases where something went wrong.

Every office will brag about their wins publicly online, but few will honestly disclose their failures or cases that had issues.

Here at our office, we have seen first hand dozens of cases where patients flew overseas because they were promised heavily discounted prices and then later regretted it.

Their dental work failed and they had to pay twice to get the same procedure done here in the U.S. We don’t want to discredit all of the international surgeons out there, but the reality is that flying overseas for dental work is risky.

As a U.S. citizen, you will not have any legal recourse to hold an out-of-country doctor accountable if they give you subpar results or do you harm.

If you stay within your state and local area, you can easily work things out with your local dentist or implant surgeon if an unexpected issue arises. Additionally, U.S. based dentists are heavily regulated by the board of dentistry and other organizations. This extra layer of protection ensures that you will receive quality dental care on U.S. soil.

Assuming you will choose a dentist in the Tampa, FL area, we will now use the first 4 criteria to judge each teeth replacement option and give them a score from 1 to 10.

Pro's & Con's Of Regular Dentures - Acrylic, Porcelain, & Metal Dentures

Most of us had a grandparent or two who wore dentures well into their older years, so people are very familiar with this treatment type.

Dentures can be fabricated from acrylic, porcelain, and/or a mix of metal. While the materials used to create dentures can vary, generally speaking they all have the same strengths and weaknesses.

Functionality Of Regular Dentures - Score 2 out of 10

Dentures are notorious for being difficult to eat and speak with. Why? If you think about it, the only thing keeping dentures in place is the surface area between the appliance and the gums.

This is why denture wearers need to put denture glue on the underside of their fake teeth! You’re completely relying on suction to the shape of your gums in order to keep your teeth in place.

Imagine chewing into a slice of meat and feeling your teeth wiggle in and out of place. For most people, this would be an unpleasant experience. Could you temporarily tolerate it? Sure. But for years and years on end? Retirement doesn’t sound too fun when everytime you try to enjoy food, you become frustrated by your teeth.

Additionally, the appliance itself is very bulky. In order to create more surface area for the denture to “stick in” place, we make the appliance very wide. Without this additional width, the teeth would simply be non-functional.

Upper dentures are more uncomfortable for most patients as there is a large upper palate area. This soft palate area creates more suction for the denture to stick in place (so it’s more stable), but can feel intolerable to some people depending on their gag reflex.

Dentures will need to be taken out at night and cleaned to prevent bacteria build up.

The only reason we gave dentures a score 2 out of 10 is because they are better than not having teeth at all. We really only recommend dentures to patients who cannot afford better options.

Aesthetics Of Regular Dentures - Score 4/10 to 7/10

In our professional opinion, lower end dentures made out of acrylic look completely fake. They are pretty easy to spot.

Luckily, advancements in the world of porcelain over the last few decades now allow us to make dentures that look more realistic, but it comes at the cost of durability.

If dentures are truly your only long term option due to very tight financial constraints, we would recommend a well made acrylic denture. The acrylic teeth are softer, so they won't grind against your natural teeth and the denture itself will likely last longer.

What are the odds a stranger will be able to tell if you have fake teeth with dentures? It depends on the materials that were used and how good your dental technician was.

The better the technician, the more they will cost.

Longevity Of Regular Dentures - 2/10

Dentures are purely a short term solution.

We recommend that all of our patients who get dentures save up their money and upgrade to implants (whether it’s with us or another office) as soon as they can. That might sound biased because it will cost more money, but I promise you it’s not. Let me explain why…

Regular dentures cause long term bone loss in your jaw.

This is a critical piece of information that most people do not consider.

The pressure that is normally applied through our tooth roots is the stimulus that keeps our jaw bone thick and healthy. When we lose a full row of teeth, the body begins to gradually break down the bone inside our jaw around month 6 and onward.

Remember how we said the only thing keeping a denture in place is the surface area between the gums? Well, as the bone in the patient’s jaw continues to shrink, so does the gum area.

Long term denture patients end up on this never ending cycle of their jaw bone shrinking, having to get their dentures adjusted to the new shape of their jaw, and eventually they reach a point where the dentures can barely even stay on.

Not only is this a hassle, but it’s also dangerous. People who wear lower dentures for decades end up with a very thin jaw bone that can easily break.

This long term bone loss also leads to advanced aging. As the upper and lower jaw shrink, there is less structure in the face to fight gravity. Inward facial sagging is a common insecurity that long term denture wearers struggle with. They look much older than their healthier peers.

If the bone gets too thin, the patient may become what we call “a dental cripple”. They will not have enough bone width to upgrade to dental implants even if they wanted to.

This is why so many of our grandparents just left their dentures in a glass of water on the countertop because they eventually reached a point where they were rendered useless. They would only wear them to look semi-normal, but they couldn’t happily use them for any real day to day function.

In terms of the actual appliance, dentures are expected to break down and need replacement every 5 to 8 years. Adjustments and re-aligns will need to be made once a year.

Price Of Regular Dentures

  • The average price of an acrylic denture (lowest end option) is $1500-$2500 per arch.

  • The average price of a porcelain denture (middle tier option) is $3000-5000 per arch.

  • The average price of a porcelain metal reinforced denture (highest tier option) is $4000-8000 per arch.

These numbers are taken from national averages and can vary in the Tampa, FL area. Keep in mind these prices can be broken down into monthly payments.

The “big appeal” of dentures is that they are relatively way cheaper than the other tooth replacement options on this list. If finances are super tight, then dentures may be a good option for you. Just realize that these lower prices do come with major downsides.

Given their extensive drawbacks, we do not recommend traditional dentures to any of our patients. A normal, enjoyable quality of life is nearly impossible to achieve with regular dentures in the long term.

Analogy: Getting regular dentures is like buying a cheap, used car with 200,000 miles on it. You know for a fact you will have problems with it and eventually it will be unusable. Who in their right mind would repeatedly spend thousands of dollars trying to fix an old car that keeps having problems instead of just completely replacing it with a better model?

Pros & Cons Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures with 2 to 6 Implants - Acrylic, Porcelain, & Metal Reinforced Denture

This small upgrade is where you get a huge bang for your buck, with just a few downsides. People who are looking for a strong balance between price, value, and a “medium quality of life” should consider this option.

“Snap-On” implant dentures use the same materials as the regular denture types we listed above, but they are instead anchored into place on top of 2 to 6 implants. The placement of multiple implants significantly improves the patient’s overall experience with the fake teeth and mitigates many of the negative drawbacks associated with regular dentures.

This is an important note. Here at our office, we do not offer snap-on overdentures with just 2 implants. Snap-On dentures with just 2 implants have a very high failure rate - meaning one or both of the implants eventually fail and fall out. While there are not many official studies posted on this, we have seen the highest percentage of failures come from patients who got just 2 implants with a snap-on denture.

At our practice, we always try to place at least 4 implants, if not more to establish a better foundation for the denture appliance. By including 4 or more implants, we create a "safety net" for our patients. If one implant has an issue, the rest will be secure and safe.

Functionality Of “Snap-On” Dentures - Score 6/10

If you get at least 4 implants with your snap-on overdenture, you should be able to eat most foods like steak, apples, salads, and potatoes. If you choose a higher quality material denture, for example metal reinforced porcelain, your snap-on dentures will even be able to handle harder foods like raw carrots.

Your snap-on overdentures will stay in place while you speak, run, or perform any other activity.

This is still a removable appliance, not fixed. Some patients do not want to deal with the consistent hassle of removing and snapping on the dentures. Learning how to take out your snap-on implant dentures may take some time. You will need to take the dentures out every night to clean the underside of the appliance and water floss around your implants.

The appliance is still bulky as the material of the dentures needs to have a higher amount of surface area for support. If we tried to make the dentures low profile by keeping the surrounding arch thin, the appliance would likely break in the first year of use.

Aesthetics Of “Snap-On” Dentures - Score 5/10 to 7/10

If you choose a higher quality material like porcelain, strangers may not be able to tell your teeth are fake. There will be a slight gap between the implant dentures and your gums. So unless you smile really wide and show the bottom of your gums during conversation (no one does this), you should be able to comfortably speak to people without them noticing.

If someone stares long enough at your teeth, it’s possible that they will know your teeth are fake. This really comes down to the skill of the dental technician and lab that fabricated the denture.

When teeth are all connected in one line and they don’t have enough of a line break between each tooth, it can become pretty obvious they are fake. The aesthetic quality of implant dentures will vary between offices and what materials you choose.

Longevity Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures - 6/10

Say goodbye to accelerated bone loss! With 4 to 6 implants, jaw bone loss is not heavily slowed down or completely mitigated. Patients with snap-on overdentures will not have to worry about their face heavily shrinking in.

The denture appliance is expected to break down and need replacement every 3 to 8 years. If it is metal reinforced, it could last 5 - 8 years.

The rubber locators on the bottom of the denture, which allow the denture to snap on to the implants, will need to be replaced every 3 to 6 months. This is important detail many patients are not aware of with snap-in implant dentures.

Getting the rubber locators frequently replaced can feel like a hassle for many patients, however we can do this in our office very quickly. The process is completely painless. The cost to replace rubber locators is very affordable. We charge a nominal amount for this service and the price depends on the amount of locators we have to replace.

Prices for this service can range from $100 to $300 depending on which office you go to, total chair side time, and number of locators being replaced.

There is a major downside to getting “snap-on” dentures that you should heavily consider before moving forward.

You will be incapable of upgrading to a fixed option in the future.

We wish this weren’t the case, but it comes down to the engineering of the appliances. When you’re placing dental implants in the jaw for a “snap-on” overdenture, you use a specific type of implant and normally you drill all 4 to 6 of the implants vertically into the jaw bone.

This is very different from the implant placement for a fixed prosthetic arch. A fixed arch is exposed to more consistent forces, has a lower profile, and the implants must be able to take the load, so normally they are placed at different angles.

Unfortunately the two foundations are not cross compatible. You cannot upgrade from a “snap on” overdenture to a fixed option unless you get your implants removed and new implants placed at different angles. At that point, you’d be paying full fee twice for two different surgeries and prostheses. Not ideal.

So before jumping the gun on this procedure, carefully weigh this into consideration.

Price Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures with 2 to 6 Implants

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 2 implants (lowest tier option & highest failure rate) is $6000 - $8000 per arch. Remember, we do not recommend this option because the 2 implants are likely to fail.

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 4+ implants (mid tier option) is $10,000 - $15,000 per arch.

  • If the denture is metal reinforced (highest tier option) the range could be a bit higher $11,000 - $17,000 per arch.

Fees normally exclude extractions, bone grafting, & sedation. These numbers are taken from national averages and can vary in the Tampa, FL area. Keep in mind these prices can be broken down into monthly payments. Also, dental implants are tax deductible for most people.

Analogy: Getting snap-on implant dentures is like buying a brand new Toyota Rav 4 or another middle market car that’s known to last. It’s not the nicest option out there, but with proper maintenance it can last a long time. The only downside in this analogy is that the buyer would not be able to upgrade to a better model in the future. The implants aren’t cross compatible from snap-on to fixed options.

Pros & Cons of Fixed Full Arches with 4 to 6 Implants - PMMA or Acrylic Provisional, Zirconia (aka “Teeth In A Day” or “All-On-4”), Bar Fixed With Single Crowns For Each Tooth

Fixed full arch dental implants are the best option in every category. If you want the closest thing to having beautiful natural teeth and the highest quality of life possible, you’ll want to choose a fixed full arch option.

There are 3 separate fixed full arch options available.

A PMMA arch or Acrylic Provisional fixed arch is meant to only be worn for 2-5 years. It looks realistic and can be custom designed to the patient’s preferences. It’s a temporary fixed arch so patients can upgrade to a more durable final material like Zirconia.

A Zirconia arch is the best fixed full arch implant option for most middle income Americans and up. You get very strong durability, beautiful detailing, and at certain offices (like ours) customization down to the shade and the size of the teeth. These can be made into works of art.

Bar Fixed full arch with single zirconia crowns is the most expensive option. Instead of the teeth being connected in one U shaped bridge, each tooth is individually replaced with zirconia crowns. Over the top and luxurious. This has the highest price gap between all the treatment types and is completely unnecessary for 99% of people.

Functionality Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - Score 10/10

At this treatment level, you will be able to eat anything you want. All normal foods are on the table. Although it is not common, the prosthetic teeth can still break or chip, but that will depend on the quality of the material you choose for your teeth.

Whether you choose a provisional arch, zirconia, or bar fixed with a single crowns, we tell all of our patients to avoid obvious “no go” foods. Don’t chew on ice. Don’t chew on super hard candies. If it could damage a natural tooth, you probably shouldn’t be chewing on it with your new full arch fixed implant teeth. No chewing on jawbreakers, gobstoppers, jolly ranchers, etc.

Take care of your investment and your teeth will take care of you.

All of the appliances at this stage are thinner and stronger. These types of teeth have a lower profile compared to the snap-on dentures from before. This makes fixed full arch implants the most comfortable option out of the group.

Fixed full arch teeth cannot “snap in and out”. The only person who can remove them is your dentist. Keeping the appliance clean is as simple as regular brushing and water flossing between your gums and teeth.

Aesthetics Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - Score 9/10 - 10/10

Very few people will be able to tell whether or not your teeth are fake. Even our provisional arches look amazing. Take a look at some of our results from recent full arch implant patients. The teeth look great!

(before images are on bottom, afters are on top.)

Very few people will be able to tell whether or not your teeth are fake. Even our provisional arches look amazing. Take a look at some of our before and afters from recent full arch implant patients. The teeth look great!

Not all implant centers offer this service, but when patients move forward with us on any of our fixed full arch implant treatments, we take the additional time to custom 3D design their smile.

Using advanced 3D images of a patient's face, we can custom design the shape, details, and shade of their new teeth and produce a photo realistic image of what his or her new smile will look like. During this appointment, the patient can give us feedback and make customizations according to their preferences.

Longevity Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - 8/10 to 10/10

Out of the three, the provisional arch is the weakest material and it is not meant to last for life. It gets a rating 8/10 for longevity.

The fixed PMMA provisional arch will need to be replaced every 2 to 4 years. At the time of replacement, the patient can choose to upgrade to their final zirconia arch for an additional fee or they can get a new PMMA arch for a more affordable price. The price of a replacement PMMA acrylic provisional is $1000 to $3000 on average. Upgrading to a final zirconia arch is an extra $6000 to $8000 on average. (Our prices are more on the low end.)

Not many offices in the U.S. offer a long term provisional fixed arch to their patients. They only give them the choice between snap-on implant dentures or zirconia fixed arches. The problem with doing that is it’s often a near $10K+ price jump. We have literally seen quotes from other local offices who offer a snap-on denture at $15K and then a Zirconia fixed arch at $26K.

When presented with those prices, which one would you choose? Most people would say the snap-on denture.

We believe this creates a massive problem for patients later on down the line. If you remember from earlier in the article, the dental implants from a “snap on” implant denture cannot be used to upgrade to a fixed arch later on in the future.

Many patients who opt-in for an implant snap-on denture only do so because of the lower price without weighing out the other factors we’ve discussed. Once they get tired of their implant dentures, they realize they can’t upgrade without re-doing their implant surgery and they feel stuck.

Here at Tampa Dental Implants we never want to put a patient in this position. We would rather explain everything to you upfront so you can make the most informed decision possible.

We price our provisional arches slightly above our “snap-on” implant dentures and below our zirconia fixed arches. This puts fixed arches within reach for most of our patients and they can have the luxury of seamlessly upgrading to a final zirconia arch at a later date.

Zirconia full arch implants should be the final goal for most patients. The material is extremely durable and can easily last a lifetime with basic maintenance. Depending on which implant center you choose, your zirconia arch may come with a limited time warranty - normally 3 to 5 years. It is extremely rare for zirconia arches to crack or chip. It’s also important to note there are multiple types of zirconia and each has a different level of strength. The good news is baseline zirconia is very strong.

The only time we have seen zirconia prosthetic teeth crack is when the patient clenches and grinds their teeth at night. Solving this issue is an easy fix. For patients who struggle with grinding during sleep, we recommend wearing a mouthguard. Your implant center will likely fabricate this for you at a small additional fee.

At our practice, we save all of our patients’ digital impressions. In the unlikely event a patient somehow cracks their zirconia fixed arch, we can use our stored impressions to quickly fabricate a new zirconia arch for them. This process would only take us 24-48 hours.

Bar fixed arch with single tooth zirconia crowns. What does that even mean? We know it’s a mouthful. Look at the image below.

This is a titanium bar that is anchored into the patient’s bone with single tooh posts for each tooth. A custom zirconia crown is then placed on each post. This treatment option is slightly more durable than Zirconia full arches and it looks the most realistic because the prosthetic teeth are truly separate. You can floss between the crowns.

Bar fixed arches with single tooth zirconia crowns are overkill for most people. The cost is 3x to 4x more than zirconia fixed full arches. We really only recommend this to patients who demand nothing but the best of the best and have millions to blow.

Price Of Fixed Full Arch Implant Options

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 4+ implants (mid tier option) is $10,000 - $15,000 per arch.

  • The average price of fixed zirconia full arches is $25,000 - $40,000 per arch. (Higher middle tier option)

  • The average price of a fixed titanium bar with single zirconia crowns is $50,000 - $80,000 per arch. (Highest tier option)

You might be wondering, “Whoa!? What’s up with the huge price ranges?” We took these averages from both the Tampa, FL area and national level. The higher end prices for each treatment type normally come from big corporate implant centers and celebrity doctors charging massive fees. Clear Choice, New Teeth Now, Nuvia, etc. If it’s a huge corporate dental chain with multiple locations, they likely charge on the higher end to cover their increased overheard.

This is why we recommend getting multiple quotes from different dental implant centers, especially if you’ve received a higher than normal price from your first consultation choice.

At our practice, we price each of these treatments types on the lower end of the scale. Most of our patients save $13K+ per arch with us when they choose for their fixed full arch procedure. We offer our patients the lowest price possible without cutting corners on equipment, training, and materials.

Analogy: Getting fixed provisional arches is like leasing a baseline Audi or Mercedes Benz. If you choose to upgrade to zirconia, you just pay the difference to “own a better vehicle.” You have the option to seamlessly upgrade or keep the same material.

Getting fixed zirconia arches is like buying a brand new Lexus. It’s high end, beautiful, and has a reputation for outlasting other options for life.

Getting a fixed titanium bar with single tooth zirconia crowns is like buying an exotic sports car that is also extremely durable. Definitely overpriced for most people, but if you demand the very best and can afford it no one is stopping you.

Looking For A Dental Implant Office In The Tampa, FL Area?

We Save Our Average Full Arch Implant Patient Over $13,000 Without Compromising On Quality

See our prices compared to other implant centers in the area.

Fees do not include extractions or bone grafting.

If you’re wondering why we’re so affordable and you’re slightly hesitant, we would understand. Let us reassure you that we do not cut corners anywhere.

We are capable of offering our patients a heavily discounted rate compared to other offices for a few reasons:

  1. Cross Trained Dental Implant Specialist - Our head implant specialist Dr. Keenan Osman is highly trained and has completed 3000+ implant surgeries. Dr. Osman is capable of handling the implant surgery, the IV sedation, and the delivery of the prosthetic teeth. In more expensive surgical centers, these roles are normally split amongst multiple personnel because it is difficult to find dental professionals who are proficient and certified in all 3 roles. When less people are involved, the price of your dental implant treatment is more affordable.

  1. Lower Hard Costs Of Materials - We’ve formed alliances with some of the largest dental suppliers in the U.S. and we have a partnership with a dental lab. All of the materials we buy to do our surgeries are brand name, but cost us less than most of our competition. Lower hard costs for us, more affordable prices for you.

  1. We Don’t Waste Money On Expensive TV Ads & Mailers To The Masses - We also don’t waste thousands of dollars a month on useless TV ads like big corporate offices. We have personally met corporate practice owners who spend as much as $100,000 per month just on television and mailer ads. Guess who foots that bill? The patients. When you spend that much per month on marketing, the business feels the pressure to charge each patient as much as possible to break even and produce a profit. That’s just not our style.

    Do we invest into marketing? Yes, of course. But we are very smart with our finances and cut unnecessary costs anywhere we can. We get a ton of organic word of mouth because when patients choose us as their implant provider it’s a win-win. They get a great deal and a new smile, we earn their business and hopefully they tell everyone they know about us.

    We’re capable of passing all of these savings on hard costs directly to our patients, and we’re so confident in our product that we even warranty the implants for up to 10 years. As long as our patients come back to us for their routine check ups and cleaning, we’ll warranty the implants for up to 10 years. Conditions apply*

You can read our patients reviews at the bottom of this page and find our practice location.

Get A Free Consultation, 3D CBCT Scan,

& Custom Treatment Plan

Fill out the form to request a free first time implant consultation with Dr. Keenan Osman. If you already have a quote from another office and want a 2nd opinion, please book an appointment with our office.

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Dentures VS Snap On Dentures VS Fixed Full Arch Implants: Final Thoughts & Quick Recap

If you scrolled all the way down to the bottom without reading the whole blog, we recommend going back. There are a lot of little insights you can use to determine which treatment type is a right fit for you.

Dentures - They are completely not worth the money and cause bone loss, accelerated aging, and long term discomfort. If it’s the best you can afford, dentures are better than not having any teeth at all.

If you have some money to work with but still need to heavily budget and need to replace both your arches, we recommend an upper regular denture with a bottom snap-on overdenture with at least 4 implants.

Snap-On Dentures - This is the biggest “bank for your buck” option for most people, but it does come with significant drawbacks. You get better functionality than regular dentures, but the locators will need to be replaced every 3-6 months by your dentist, the appliance is still removable, and you won’t be able to upgrade to a better fixed prosthetic. You choose this option, you’re stuck.

Fixed full arches - This is the best option. The materials are more durable, look more natural, can be customized to your liking, and can be upgraded. Everyone should be aiming for a final zirconia arch, which can easily last a lifetime.

If price is still a concern and you can’t afford getting a zirconia fixed arch right away, we can offer you a provisional arch at a cheaper price. You can get your implants placed at the correct angles, so you can upgrade to zirconia at a later date. Just request a free consultation with us and we’d be happy to help you.

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Denture & Dental Implant Prices:

The Ultimate Guide To Replacing A Full Row Of Missing Teeth [Without Breaking The Bank]

By Dr. Keenan Osman - Implant Specialist

Last updated August 7, 2023

There are many options when it comes to replacing a full row missing teeth, but how do you know which one is a right fit for you?

Maybe you’ve tried doing some research on your own, but with so much information online and dental offices trying to advertise their services, it can be difficult to find unbiased, high quality information to help you in your decision.

Look no further! In this article we’ll break down the most popular teeth replacement options on the market in Tampa, FL.

If you read this entire article, you will learn:

  • the average cost of each denture & dental implant treatment

  • how to save thousands of dollars on your treatment

  • how to spot deceptive advertising

  • the pros of each treatment type

  • the cons of each treatment type (arguably more important)

  • which treatment is the best fit for you based on what you value

... all without stepping foot in a dental practice, calling around for quotes, watching tons of Youtube videos, or doing a long virtual consultation with some random salesperson.

Who Are We & Why Can You Trust This Guide?

Hi, my name is Dr. Keenan Osman and I own a dental office called Tampa Dental Implants.

Over the last few years, I've done over 3000 dental implant surgeries and have even handled a few dozen re-do cases where patients came to us from other dental offices with implant issues.

I have seen both the good and bad for pretty much every denture and dental implant treatment option out there. My goal is to give you all the necessary information you need to make the most informed decision possible. All facts. No fluff.

Let’s dive into how we will judge dentures, snap-on dentures, & fixed full arch implants in a non-biased manner.

The Five Criteria For Judging Each Treatment Option

There are 5 main factors to take into consideration when choosing which treatment type to replace your missing teeth:

  1. Functionality

How well does the treatment option function? How easy is it to eat a salad or steak? Do the teeth stay in place or do they slip out while talking?

Do they feel comfortable or unnatural? Can you eat, speak, & smile confidently? Or do they make day to day tasks feel miserable? The functionality of your new teeth will heavily impact the quality of your life in the long run.

  1. Aesthetics

Do the prosthetic teeth look good? Make no mistake, this is important when it comes to replacing teeth. A lot of people have a misguided conception of not wanting to “stand out too much” or “look good” out of fear of being called egotistical.

On the contrary, it is perfectly normal and healthy for you to want to look good. Being proud of one’s appearance is important, because it will impact every social interaction you have.

The more confident you are with your appearance, the more opportunities will come your way. So, it’s important that your new teeth look natural and they are custom designed to how you want them to look.

  1. Longevity of the prosthetic teeth and your dental health

How long do the prosthetic teeth last? Can the fake teeth break down over time, and if so, what does the ongoing maintenance look like? How does that particular type of treatment impact your long term health? Both your longevity and the longevity of the appliance should be considered.

  1. Price of the of dental appliance and procedure

Price should not be your single determining factor when choosing your teeth replacement option, however the reality is that the treatment option you choose needs to be able to fit within your budget. There are two sides to this coin.

a) Overly expensive offices - likely overpaying for “brand or a celebrity doc”

There are many oral surgery offices that will quote patients $70K or even $80K for double arch zirconia implants as if price weren’t even a consideration. We don’t understand what “la la land” those offices are pretending to be in.

We do encourage people to get multiple quotes from offices, perhaps get a feel for the office and staff, and then make a final decision on all the criteria we lay out here.

Is it worth it to pay a bit more than the national average for a higher quality product, better surgeon, better technology, etc? Yes, but within reason.

Corporate implant centers with lots of locations, multiple specialty doctors, a ton of admin employees, and expensive TV ads all have a larger overhead. These additional costs get put on patients in order to produce a profit.

If you're going to a "celebrity doc" that is viral on social media, he or she will probably be more expensive as well. Surgeons who become famous have a ton of new patient opportunities coming their way and they need to filter out their lower quality traffic.

The more famous they get, the less time they have, the more they charge, and they push away patients who aren't willing to spend top dollar. Simple supply and demand. This isn't the case for everyone though.

If you're absolutely sold on going to a particular dental implant surgeon, just make sure to still get multiple quotes for the same or similar amount of work. You'll know whether or not you've been given a fair quote.

b) Super cheap offices - likely cutting corners

There are many offices that advertise super cheap dental prices while cutting corners on the quality of their materials, work, and surgical procedures. Super cheap prices get people very excited, but oftentimes leads to rash decisions. Do not settle for a lower quality tooth replacement option just because it’s cheap.

While there are smart business decisions a dental practice can make to lower the hard costs of various procedures, you should still be thorough and ask detailed questions to ensure the final product will hold up.

You want to land somewhere in the middle to lower end on the price range, so you know you’re getting a quality doctor, quality materials, and a great final product all without breaking the bank.

PRO TIP: Did you know your dentures or dental implant treatment are likely tax deductible? Most dental practices aren't even aware of this, let alone patients.

If you look up "Topic No. 502", you will find all of the information you need on the criteria for writing off your dental implant treatment. Anything above 7.5% of your Adjust Gross Income should be tax deductible. Speak with a tax professional on how to claim your deductions come filing season.

We've saved our patients thousands of dollars on their treatment by telling them this over the last few years. Every dollar saved helps. We even made a video below going over an example of how much someone could save.

  1. Location of the dental practice

How close is the office to your home? We recommend sticking with an office that is relatively close to where you live - honestly no more than a 1 to 2 hour drive.

Why is this important? Well, what if something goes wrong the day after surgery? What if a complication occurs a few weeks after the procedure?

Although 97% of dental implant cases are successful, post-op issues can and do occur.

You’ll want to be close to the dental office so you can drive in and get the issue fixed. Plus, your implants will likely need some level of minimal ongoing maintenance. If you choose a local office, they will have an established history with you and know the details of your procedure.

This is why we do not recommend dental tourism.

For every “success story” about a patient flying overseas to get their dental work done, there are tons of undocumented cases where something went wrong.

Every office will brag about their wins publicly online, but few will honestly disclose their failures or cases that had issues.

Here at our office, we have seen first hand dozens of cases where patients flew overseas because they were promised heavily discounted prices and then later regretted it.

Their dental work failed and they had to pay twice to get the same procedure done here in the U.S. We don’t want to discredit all of the international surgeons out there, but the reality is that flying overseas for dental work is risky.

As a U.S. citizen, you will not have any legal recourse to hold an out-of-country doctor accountable if they give you subpar results or do you harm.

If you stay within your state and local area, you can easily work things out with your local dentist or implant surgeon if an unexpected issue arises. Additionally, U.S. based dentists are heavily regulated by the board of dentistry and other organizations. This extra layer of protection ensures that you will receive quality dental care on U.S. soil.

Assuming you will choose a dentist in the Tampa, FL area, we will now use the first 4 criteria to judge each teeth replacement option and give them a score from 1 to 10.

Pro's & Con's Of Regular Dentures - Acrylic, Porcelain, & Metal Dentures

Most of us had a grandparent or two who wore dentures well into their older years, so people are very familiar with this treatment type.

Dentures can be fabricated from acrylic, porcelain, and/or a mix of metal. While the materials used to create dentures can vary, generally speaking they all have the same strengths and weaknesses.

Functionality Of Regular Dentures - Score 2 out of 10

Dentures are notorious for being difficult to eat and speak with. Why? If you think about it, the only thing keeping dentures in place is the surface area between the appliance and the gums.

This is why denture wearers need to put denture glue on the underside of their fake teeth! You’re completely relying on suction to the shape of your gums in order to keep your teeth in place.

Imagine chewing into a slice of meat and feeling your teeth wiggle in and out of place. For most people, this would be an unpleasant experience. Could you temporarily tolerate it? Sure. But for years and years on end? Retirement doesn’t sound too fun when everytime you try to enjoy food, you become frustrated by your teeth.

Additionally, the appliance itself is very bulky. In order to create more surface area for the denture to “stick in” place, we make the appliance very wide. Without this additional width, the teeth would simply be non-functional.

Upper dentures are more uncomfortable for most patients as there is a large upper palate area. This soft palate area creates more suction for the denture to stick in place (so it’s more stable), but can feel intolerable to some people depending on their gag reflex.

Dentures will need to be taken out at night and cleaned to prevent bacteria build up.

The only reason we gave dentures a score 2 out of 10 is because they are better than not having teeth at all. We really only recommend dentures to patients who cannot afford better options.

Aesthetics Of Regular Dentures - Score 4/10 to 7/10

In our professional opinion, lower end dentures made out of acrylic look completely fake. They are pretty easy to spot.

Luckily, advancements in the world of porcelain over the last few decades now allow us to make dentures that look more realistic, but it comes at the cost of durability.

If dentures are truly your only long term option due to very tight financial constraints, we would recommend a well made acrylic denture. The acrylic teeth are softer, so they won't grind against your natural teeth and the denture itself will likely last longer.

What are the odds a stranger will be able to tell if you have fake teeth with dentures? It depends on the materials that were used and how good your dental technician was.

The better the technician, the more they will cost.

Longevity Of Regular Dentures - 2/10

Dentures are purely a short term solution.

We recommend that all of our patients who get dentures save up their money and upgrade to implants (whether it’s with us or another office) as soon as they can. That might sound biased because it will cost more money, but I promise you it’s not. Let me explain why…

Regular dentures cause long term bone loss in your jaw.

This is a critical piece of information that most people do not consider.

The pressure that is normally applied through our tooth roots is the stimulus that keeps our jaw bone thick and healthy. When we lose a full row of teeth, the body begins to gradually break down the bone inside our jaw around month 6 and onward.

Remember how we said the only thing keeping a denture in place is the surface area between the gums? Well, as the bone in the patient’s jaw continues to shrink, so does the gum area.

Long term denture patients end up on this never ending cycle of their jaw bone shrinking, having to get their dentures adjusted to the new shape of their jaw, and eventually they reach a point where the dentures can barely even stay on.

Not only is this a hassle, but it’s also dangerous. People who wear lower dentures for decades end up with a very thin jaw bone that can easily break.

This long term bone loss also leads to advanced aging. As the upper and lower jaw shrink, there is less structure in the face to fight gravity. Inward facial sagging is a common insecurity that long term denture wearers struggle with. They look much older than their healthier peers.

If the bone gets too thin, the patient may become what we call “a dental cripple”. They will not have enough bone width to upgrade to dental implants even if they wanted to.

This is why so many of our grandparents just left their dentures in a glass of water on the countertop because they eventually reached a point where they were rendered useless. They would only wear them to look semi-normal, but they couldn’t happily use them for any real day to day function.

In terms of the actual appliance, dentures are expected to break down and need replacement every 5 to 8 years. Adjustments and re-aligns will need to be made once a year.

Price Of Regular Dentures

  • The average price of an acrylic denture (lowest end option) is $1500-$2500 per arch.

  • The average price of a porcelain denture (middle tier option) is $3000-5000 per arch.

  • The average price of a porcelain metal reinforced denture (highest tier option) is $4000-8000 per arch.

These numbers are taken from national averages and can vary in the Tampa, FL area. Keep in mind these prices can be broken down into monthly payments.

The “big appeal” of dentures is that they are relatively way cheaper than the other tooth replacement options on this list. If finances are super tight, then dentures may be a good option for you. Just realize that these lower prices do come with major downsides.

Given their extensive drawbacks, we do not recommend traditional dentures to any of our patients. A normal, enjoyable quality of life is nearly impossible to achieve with regular dentures in the long term.

Analogy: Getting regular dentures is like buying a cheap, used car with 200,000 miles on it. You know for a fact you will have problems with it and eventually it will be unusable. Who in their right mind would repeatedly spend thousands of dollars trying to fix an old car that keeps having problems instead of just completely replacing it with a better model?

Pros & Cons Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures with 2 to 6 Implants - Acrylic, Porcelain, & Metal Reinforced Denture

This small upgrade is where you get a huge bang for your buck, with just a few downsides. People who are looking for a strong balance between price, value, and a “medium quality of life” should consider this option.

“Snap-On” implant dentures use the same materials as the regular denture types we listed above, but they are instead anchored into place on top of 2 to 6 implants. The placement of multiple implants significantly improves the patient’s overall experience with the fake teeth and mitigates many of the negative drawbacks associated with regular dentures.

This is an important note. Here at our office, we do not offer snap-on overdentures with just 2 implants. Snap-On dentures with just 2 implants have a very high failure rate - meaning one or both of the implants eventually fail and fall out. While there are not many official studies posted on this, we have seen the highest percentage of failures come from patients who got just 2 implants with a snap-on denture.

At our practice, we always try to place at least 4 implants, if not more to establish a better foundation for the denture appliance. By including 4 or more implants, we create a "safety net" for our patients. If one implant has an issue, the rest will be secure and safe.

Functionality Of “Snap-On” Dentures - Score 6/10

If you get at least 4 implants with your snap-on overdenture, you should be able to eat most foods like steak, apples, salads, and potatoes. If you choose a higher quality material denture, for example metal reinforced porcelain, your snap-on dentures will even be able to handle harder foods like raw carrots.

Your snap-on overdentures will stay in place while you speak, run, or perform any other activity.

This is still a removable appliance, not fixed. Some patients do not want to deal with the consistent hassle of removing and snapping on the dentures. Learning how to take out your snap-on implant dentures may take some time. You will need to take the dentures out every night to clean the underside of the appliance and water floss around your implants.

The appliance is still bulky as the material of the dentures needs to have a higher amount of surface area for support. If we tried to make the dentures low profile by keeping the surrounding arch thin, the appliance would likely break in the first year of use.

Aesthetics Of “Snap-On” Dentures - Score 5/10 to 7/10

If you choose a higher quality material like porcelain, strangers may not be able to tell your teeth are fake. There will be a slight gap between the implant dentures and your gums. So unless you smile really wide and show the bottom of your gums during conversation (no one does this), you should be able to comfortably speak to people without them noticing.

If someone stares long enough at your teeth, it’s possible that they will know your teeth are fake. This really comes down to the skill of the dental technician and lab that fabricated the denture.

When teeth are all connected in one line and they don’t have enough of a line break between each tooth, it can become pretty obvious they are fake. The aesthetic quality of implant dentures will vary between offices and what materials you choose.

Longevity Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures - 6/10

Say goodbye to accelerated bone loss! With 4 to 6 implants, jaw bone loss is not heavily slowed down or completely mitigated. Patients with snap-on overdentures will not have to worry about their face heavily shrinking in.

The denture appliance is expected to break down and need replacement every 3 to 8 years. If it is metal reinforced, it could last 5 - 8 years.

The rubber locators on the bottom of the denture, which allow the denture to snap on to the implants, will need to be replaced every 3 to 6 months. This is important detail many patients are not aware of with snap-in implant dentures.

Getting the rubber locators frequently replaced can feel like a hassle for many patients, however we can do this in our office very quickly. The process is completely painless. The cost to replace rubber locators is very affordable. We charge a nominal amount for this service and the price depends on the amount of locators we have to replace.

Prices for this service can range from $100 to $300 depending on which office you go to, total chair side time, and number of locators being replaced.

There is a major downside to getting “snap-on” dentures that you should heavily consider before moving forward.

You will be incapable of upgrading to a fixed option in the future.

We wish this weren’t the case, but it comes down to the engineering of the appliances. When you’re placing dental implants in the jaw for a “snap-on” overdenture, you use a specific type of implant and normally you drill all 4 to 6 of the implants vertically into the jaw bone.

This is very different from the implant placement for a fixed prosthetic arch. A fixed arch is exposed to more consistent forces, has a lower profile, and the implants must be able to take the load, so normally they are placed at different angles.

Unfortunately the two foundations are not cross compatible. You cannot upgrade from a “snap on” overdenture to a fixed option unless you get your implants removed and new implants placed at different angles. At that point, you’d be paying full fee twice for two different surgeries and prostheses. Not ideal.

So before jumping the gun on this procedure, carefully weigh this into consideration.

Price Of “Snap-On” Implant Dentures with 2 to 6 Implants

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 2 implants (lowest tier option & highest failure rate) is $6000 - $8000 per arch. Remember, we do not recommend this option because the 2 implants are likely to fail.

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 4+ implants (mid tier option) is $10,000 - $15,000 per arch.

  • If the denture is metal reinforced (highest tier option) the range could be a bit higher $11,000 - $17,000 per arch.

Fees normally exclude extractions, bone grafting, & sedation. These numbers are taken from national averages and can vary in the Tampa, FL area. Keep in mind these prices can be broken down into monthly payments. Also, dental implants are tax deductible for most people.

Analogy: Getting snap-on implant dentures is like buying a brand new Toyota Rav 4 or another middle market car that’s known to last. It’s not the nicest option out there, but with proper maintenance it can last a long time. The only downside in this analogy is that the buyer would not be able to upgrade to a better model in the future. The implants aren’t cross compatible from snap-on to fixed options.

Pros & Cons of Fixed Full Arches with 4 to 6 Implants - PMMA or Acrylic Provisional, Zirconia (aka “Teeth In A Day” or “All-On-4”), Bar Fixed With Single Crowns For Each Tooth

Fixed full arch dental implants are the best option in every category. If you want the closest thing to having beautiful natural teeth and the highest quality of life possible, you’ll want to choose a fixed full arch option.

There are 3 separate fixed full arch options available.

A PMMA arch or Acrylic Provisional fixed arch is meant to only be worn for 2-5 years. It looks realistic and can be custom designed to the patient’s preferences. It’s a temporary fixed arch so patients can upgrade to a more durable final material like Zirconia.

A Zirconia arch is the best fixed full arch implant option for most middle income Americans and up. You get very strong durability, beautiful detailing, and at certain offices (like ours) customization down to the shade and the size of the teeth. These can be made into works of art.

Bar Fixed full arch with single zirconia crowns is the most expensive option. Instead of the teeth being connected in one U shaped bridge, each tooth is individually replaced with zirconia crowns. Over the top and luxurious. This has the highest price gap between all the treatment types and is completely unnecessary for 99% of people.

Functionality Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - Score 10/10

At this treatment level, you will be able to eat anything you want. All normal foods are on the table. Although it is not common, the prosthetic teeth can still break or chip, but that will depend on the quality of the material you choose for your teeth.

Whether you choose a provisional arch, zirconia, or bar fixed with a single crowns, we tell all of our patients to avoid obvious “no go” foods. Don’t chew on ice. Don’t chew on super hard candies. If it could damage a natural tooth, you probably shouldn’t be chewing on it with your new full arch fixed implant teeth. No chewing on jawbreakers, gobstoppers, jolly ranchers, etc.

Take care of your investment and your teeth will take care of you.

All of the appliances at this stage are thinner and stronger. These types of teeth have a lower profile compared to the snap-on dentures from before. This makes fixed full arch implants the most comfortable option out of the group.

Fixed full arch teeth cannot “snap in and out”. The only person who can remove them is your dentist. Keeping the appliance clean is as simple as regular brushing and water flossing between your gums and teeth.

Aesthetics Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - Score 9/10 - 10/10

Very few people will be able to tell whether or not your teeth are fake. Even our provisional arches look amazing. Take a look at some of our results from recent full arch implant patients. The teeth look great!

(before images are on bottom, afters are on top.)

Very few people will be able to tell whether or not your teeth are fake. Even our provisional arches look amazing. Take a look at some of our before and afters from recent full arch implant patients. The teeth look great!

Not all implant centers offer this service, but when patients move forward with us on any of our fixed full arch implant treatments, we take the additional time to custom 3D design their smile.

Using advanced 3D images of a patient's face, we can custom design the shape, details, and shade of their new teeth and produce a photo realistic image of what his or her new smile will look like. During this appointment, the patient can give us feedback and make customizations according to their preferences.

Longevity Of Fixed Full Arch Implants - 8/10 to 10/10

Out of the three, the provisional arch is the weakest material and it is not meant to last for life. It gets a rating 8/10 for longevity.

The fixed PMMA provisional arch will need to be replaced every 2 to 4 years. At the time of replacement, the patient can choose to upgrade to their final zirconia arch for an additional fee or they can get a new PMMA arch for a more affordable price. The price of a replacement PMMA acrylic provisional is $1000 to $3000 on average. Upgrading to a final zirconia arch is an extra $6000 to $8000 on average. (Our prices are more on the low end.)

Not many offices in the U.S. offer a long term provisional fixed arch to their patients. They only give them the choice between snap-on implant dentures or zirconia fixed arches. The problem with doing that is it’s often a near $10K+ price jump. We have literally seen quotes from other local offices who offer a snap-on denture at $15K and then a Zirconia fixed arch at $26K.

When presented with those prices, which one would you choose? Most people would say the snap-on denture.

We believe this creates a massive problem for patients later on down the line. If you remember from earlier in the article, the dental implants from a “snap on” implant denture cannot be used to upgrade to a fixed arch later on in the future.

Many patients who opt-in for an implant snap-on denture only do so because of the lower price without weighing out the other factors we’ve discussed. Once they get tired of their implant dentures, they realize they can’t upgrade without re-doing their implant surgery and they feel stuck.

Here at Tampa Dental Implants we never want to put a patient in this position. We would rather explain everything to you upfront so you can make the most informed decision possible.

We price our provisional arches slightly above our “snap-on” implant dentures and below our zirconia fixed arches. This puts fixed arches within reach for most of our patients and they can have the luxury of seamlessly upgrading to a final zirconia arch at a later date.

Zirconia full arch implants should be the final goal for most patients. The material is extremely durable and can easily last a lifetime with basic maintenance. Depending on which implant center you choose, your zirconia arch may come with a limited time warranty - normally 3 to 5 years. It is extremely rare for zirconia arches to crack or chip. It’s also important to note there are multiple types of zirconia and each has a different level of strength. The good news is baseline zirconia is very strong.

The only time we have seen zirconia prosthetic teeth crack is when the patient clenches and grinds their teeth at night. Solving this issue is an easy fix. For patients who struggle with grinding during sleep, we recommend wearing a mouthguard. Your implant center will likely fabricate this for you at a small additional fee.

At our practice, we save all of our patients’ digital impressions. In the unlikely event a patient somehow cracks their zirconia fixed arch, we can use our stored impressions to quickly fabricate a new zirconia arch for them. This process would only take us 24-48 hours.

Bar fixed arch with single tooth zirconia crowns. What does that even mean? We know it’s a mouthful. Look at the image below.

This is a titanium bar that is anchored into the patient’s bone with single tooh posts for each tooth. A custom zirconia crown is then placed on each post. This treatment option is slightly more durable than Zirconia full arches and it looks the most realistic because the prosthetic teeth are truly separate. You can floss between the crowns.

Bar fixed arches with single tooth zirconia crowns are overkill for most people. The cost is 3x to 4x more than zirconia fixed full arches. We really only recommend this to patients who demand nothing but the best of the best and have millions to blow.

Price Of Fixed Full Arch Implant Options

  • The average price of a snap on denture with 4+ implants (mid tier option) is $10,000 - $15,000 per arch.

  • The average price of fixed zirconia full arches is $25,000 - $40,000 per arch. (Higher middle tier option)

  • The average price of a fixed titanium bar with single zirconia crowns is $50,000 - $80,000 per arch. (Highest tier option)

You might be wondering, “Whoa!? What’s up with the huge price ranges?” We took these averages from both the Tampa, FL area and national level. The higher end prices for each treatment type normally come from big corporate implant centers and celebrity doctors charging massive fees. Clear Choice, New Teeth Now, Nuvia, etc. If it’s a huge corporate dental chain with multiple locations, they likely charge on the higher end to cover their increased overheard.

This is why we recommend getting multiple quotes from different dental implant centers, especially if you’ve received a higher than normal price from your first consultation choice.

At our practice, we price each of these treatments types on the lower end of the scale. Most of our patients save $13K+ per arch with us when they choose for their fixed full arch procedure. We offer our patients the lowest price possible without cutting corners on equipment, training, and materials.

Analogy: Getting fixed provisional arches is like leasing a baseline Audi or Mercedes Benz. If you choose to upgrade to zirconia, you just pay the difference to “own a better vehicle.” You have the option to seamlessly upgrade or keep the same material.

Getting fixed zirconia arches is like buying a brand new Lexus. It’s high end, beautiful, and has a reputation for outlasting other options for life.

Getting a fixed titanium bar with single tooth zirconia crowns is like buying an exotic sports car that is also extremely durable. Definitely overpriced for most people, but if you demand the very best and can afford it no one is stopping you.

Looking For A Dental Implant Office In The Tampa, FL Area?

We Save Our Average Full Arch Implant Patient Over $7,000 Without Compromising On Quality

See our prices compared to other implant centers in the area.

Fees do not include extractions or bone grafting.

If you’re wondering why we’re so affordable and you’re slightly hesitant, we would understand. Let us reassure you that we do not cut corners anywhere.

We are capable of offering our patients a heavily discounted rate compared to other offices for a few reasons:

  1. Cross Trained Dental Implant Specialist - Our head implant specialist Dr. Keenan Osman is highly trained and has completed 3000+ implant surgeries. Dr. Osman is capable of handling the implant surgery, the IV sedation, and the delivery of the prosthetic teeth. In more expensive surgical centers, these roles are normally split amongst multiple personnel because it is difficult to find dental professionals who are proficient and certified in all 3 roles. When less people are involved, the price of your dental implant treatment is more affordable.

  1. Lower Hard Costs Of Materials - We’ve formed alliances with some of the largest dental suppliers in the U.S. and we have a partnership with a dental lab. All of the materials we buy to do our surgeries are brand name, but cost us less than most of our competition. Lower hard costs for us, more affordable prices for you.

  1. We Don’t Waste Money On Expensive TV Ads & Mailers To The Masses - We also don’t waste thousands of dollars a month on useless TV ads like big corporate offices. We have personally met corporate practice owners who spend as much as $100,000 per month just on television and mailer ads. Guess who foots that bill? The patients. When you spend that much per month on marketing, the business feels the pressure to charge each patient as much as possible to break even and produce a profit. That’s just not our style.

    Do we invest into marketing? Yes, of course. But we are very smart with our finances and cut unnecessary costs anywhere we can. We get a ton of organic word of mouth because when patients choose us as their implant provider it’s a win-win. They get a great deal and a new smile, we earn their business and hopefully they tell everyone they know about us.

    We’re capable of passing all of these savings on hard costs directly to our patients, and we’re so confident in our product that we even warranty the implants for up to 10 years. As long as our patients come back to us for their routine check ups and cleaning, we’ll warranty the implants for up to 10 years. Conditions apply*

You can read our patients reviews at the bottom of this page and find our practice location.

Get A Free Consultation, 3D CBCT Scan,

& Custom Treatment Plan

Fill out the form to request a free first time implant consultation with Dr. Keenan Osman. If you already have a quote from another office and want a 2nd opinion, please book an appointment with our office.

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Dentures VS Snap On Dentures VS Fixed Full Arch Implants: Final Thoughts & Quick Recap

If you scrolled all the way down to the bottom without reading the whole blog, we recommend going back. There are a lot of little insights you can use to determine which treatment type is a right fit for you.

Dentures - They are completely not worth the money and cause bone loss, accelerated aging, and long term discomfort. If it’s the best you can afford, dentures are better than not having any teeth at all.

If you have some money to work with but still need to heavily budget and need to replace both your arches, we recommend an upper regular denture with a bottom snap-on overdenture with at least 4 implants.

Snap-On Dentures - This is the biggest “bank for your buck” option for most people, but it does come with significant drawbacks. You get better functionality than regular dentures, but the locators will need to be replaced every 3-6 months by your dentist, the appliance is still removable, and you won’t be able to upgrade to a better fixed prosthetic. You choose this option, you’re stuck.

Fixed full arches - This is the best option. The materials are more durable, look more natural, can be customized to your liking, and can be upgraded. Everyone should be aiming for a final zirconia arch, which can easily last a lifetime.

If price is still a concern and you can’t afford getting a zirconia fixed arch right away, we can offer you a provisional arch at a cheaper price. You can get your implants placed at the correct angles, so you can upgrade to zirconia at a later date. Just request a free consultation with us and we’d be happy to help you.

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Monday 8am - 4pm

Tuesday 8am - 4pm

Wednesday 8am - 4pm

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Friday 8am - 4pm

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